Monday, October 3, 2011

Sebastien Answers Some Questions and a Contest was kind enough to offer an interview up to Sebastien, who after a few shots of bourbon, was more than willing to facilitate. Check out the full interview for some fun facts.

 In celebration of the Review/Interview, I'm running a little contest. Comment on this post with answer to how many stars Sebastien gave Bones and using a random number generator I shall choose a winner.

The winner's name will go into my next book (if you'd like to be a dead body, random bad guy or witness I'll take preference into consideration) and a copy of my new short, The King's Dog.

The contest will run until Midnight, EST, October 8th, so get commenting!



1 comment:

  1. I don't think I have bought this yet, I must run grab it after I get off work today (hmm, because it sounds so good, maybe I should wait until all my homework is done for class tomorrow night before grabbing it so I'm not tempted to read). The interview was great, I got some strange looks as I was giggling. Bones received a 5 star rating hehe.

    I am looking forward to reading their story!

